c = ''' 北京时间9月20日晚间9点半,智能供应链服务供应商百世集团将在<a class="wt_article_link" onmouseover="WeiboCard.show(2125973432,'tech',this)" href="?zw=tech" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank">纽约证券交易所</a>正式挂牌上市,交易代码为“BSTI”。这是继<span id="usstock_ZTO"><a href="http://stock.finance.sina.com.cn/usstock/quotes/ZTO.html" rel="external nofollow" class="keyword f_st" target="_blank">中通</a></span><span id=quote_ZTO></span>快递之后第二家赴美上市的快递物流企业。 </p>
<p> 此次IPO百世集团一共发行4500万股美国存托股份(ADS),每股价格为10美元,总融资额高达4.5亿美元,为今年目前为止在美国上市的中国公司中募资规模最大的IPO。此外,百世和售股股东还允许其承销商通过超额配售权购买额外不多于675万股ADS。</p>
<p> 有中通这个“珠玉”在前,美股市场似'''
sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_stream_copy(weburl,title,content,channelId,datetime,pubtime,website)VALUES ('%s','%s',\'%s\','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % (a,b,pymysql.escape_string(c),e,datetime,datetime,a)
补充拓展:Python中执行MySQL语句, 遇到同时有单引号, 双引号处理方式 !r, repr()
insert_cmd = "INSERT INTO {0} SET {1}"
','.join(['{0}={1!r}'.format(k, str(v)) for (k, v) in info_dict.items()]))
其中{0}={1!r} 作用是设置字段的值,一般情况应该是:
{0}='{1}'.format(columnA, value)
但若value中同时有双引号和单引号("", ''),比如{'abc': '123', "def": "456"},
则可以使用!r来调用repr() 函数, 将对象转化为供解释器读取的形式。
repr() 返回一个对象的 string 格式。
!r 表示使用repr()替代默认的str()来返回。
According to the Python 2.7.12 documentation:
!s (apply str()) and !r (apply repr()) can be used to convert the value before it is formatted.
Return a string containing a printable representation of an object.
This is the same value yielded by conversions(reverse quotes).
It is sometimes useful to be able to access this operation as an ordinary function.
For many types, this function makes an attempt to return a string that would yield
an object with the same value when passed to eval(),
otherwise the representation is a string enclosed in angle brackets
that contains the name of the type of the object together with additional information
often including the name and address of the object. A class can control what this function
returns for its instances by defining a __repr__() method.